TEC Eurolab

We perform contamination testing for the machining industry

Evaluate the effectiveness of your washing process

Certifying the level of cleanliness of components is no longer an optional practice, but a necessary certificate of quality in order to remain competitive on the market.

migration tests

Technical cleanliness tests are used to investigate the surface contamination of samples in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the washing process.

These are tests that originated in hydraulics, but they are finding increasing application in new areas, especially with the advent of electronics.
TEC Eurolab’s material analysis center can provide results at different levels of detail: from the assessment of total contaminant weight, along with the dimensional measurement of its constituent particles , all the way to the study of the nature of individual particles through state-of-the-art instrumentation such as the SEM scanning electron microscope.


Fluid Contamination – ISO Method 4406

Contamination: washing, filtration, grav. part. max

Full count contamination test (over 50 µm) – ISO16232 method

Full count contamination test (over 5 µm) – ISO16232 method

Come si fa una prova di contaminazione?

Hai bisogno di formazione su questo argomento?

Scopri i corsi di TEC Eurolab Academy che affrontano le prove di contaminazione

Corsi di formazione

corso nuovo regolamento macchine 2023/1230

Introduzione Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE e Novità del Reg. Macchine 2023/1230

Certificazione TEC Eurolab

MOCA | Materiali e Oggetti a Contatto con gli Alimenti

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