Let’s get together for these European Funded Projects

In our research activity, we are concerned with identifying the most interesting opportunities among European funding proposals.
Below we have identified some projects that we would like you to join in collaboration with other partners.

Looking for a partner who can complete your service offerings? Would you like to propose yourself as a partner?

Fill out the form indicating the call you are interested in


DEADLINE: 31/03/2025

THEME: CIRCULOOS aiuta le micro, piccole e medie imprese di produzione a ridefinire le loro catene di fornitura attraverso l’Economia Circolare. Nuove collaborazioni tra aziende di produzione sono incentivate dalla sostenibilità e dalla circolarità dei loro prodotti e processi. CIRCULOOS adotta un approccio basato sui casi pratici, in cui nuovi strumenti digitali e modelli di catene di fornitura circolari vengono sviluppati a partire dalle collaborazioni già esistenti tra entità commerciali, attraverso i Pilots e le Open Call del progetto.

PROGRAM: Cascade Funding


CYSSDE Open Call 2

DEADLINE: 07/04/2025

THEME: Financial support for penetration test and vulnerability assessment

PROGRAM: Cascade Funding



EIT Rawmaterials KAVA Call 13

Multiple cut-off deadlines

General interest

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: End user, Technology provider*

General interest in EIT Manufacturing, EIT Digital, Cascade Funding

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Where our expertise could add value to the proposal

Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 01

THEME: Integrated approaches for remanufacturing 

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 5~7M EUR/Project

TRL: 5 (start), 6-7 (end)

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Technology provider


Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 05

THEME: Advanced manufacturing technologies for leadership of EU manufacturers in products for the net-zero industry

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 5~6.5M EUR/Project

TRL: 6-7 (end)

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Technology provider


Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 32

THEME: Green and resilient flexible production processes

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 6~8M EUR/Project

TRL: 6-7 (end)

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Technology provider


Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 34

THEME: Smart integration of net zero technologies into energy intensive industries

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 5~9M EUR/Project

TRL: 7 (end)



Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 36

THEME: Safe and clean processing technologies and products

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 6~8M EUR/Project

TRL: 4-6 (end)

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Technology provider


Horizon CL4 Industry 2025 01 Twin Transition 37

THEME: Solving issues in carbon-neutral iron and steel-making processes with diverse input materials of varying quality

PROGRAM: Horizon Europe

BUDGET: 13~14M EUR/Project

TRL: 6 (end)

TEC EUROLAB’S ROLE: Technology provider


*Technology provider: If its expertise (Material characterization and component testing) matches the project scope

What are you looking for? 

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